
Why choose us

Orthoplus, an SME that wants you well

Founded in 1986 by Thierry Dreux, a dental technician,Orthoplus is a provider of comprehensive solutions for practitioners in orthodontics.

Initially specialized in a custom multi-ring offering, Orthoplus added a new string to its bow in the 1990s with Functional Education.

This therapeutic approach, originating in part in Australia, focuses on the correction of dental and, even more so, orofacial dysfunctions in very young children from the age of 3.

Aware of the necessity to intervene at a very early age, Orthoplus markets its own flexible splints (EF Line® range) by integrating the clinical and practical feedback from practitioners and even from young patients having benefited from them, into their design.



Supported by a clinical study, Orthoplus has legitimized its position as a reference player in the industry by constantly innovating to meet the needs of practitioners and the expectations of patients (and vice versa!). Orthoplus offers high added value, ISO and CE certified products which are now part of the therapeutic arsenal that has come to be expected.

Our missions:

Be a partner of choice

Be a partner to the industry, as a solution provider more than a device manufacturer.

Promoting Functional Education

Make early care for children as young as 3 years old more accessible through Functional Education

Be at the service of practitioners

Help practitioners find coherent solutions to their challenges by meeting their needs, and those of their patients, in the best way possible

Offer the best

Offer optimal and optimized product and service quality

Let's prepare the future together!